SDG Reporting Simplified


Learn the necessary steps involved in SDG reporting of a business, in this 30-minute short course. SDG reporting doesn’t just help the organization to communicate transparently their sustainability commitments but can also help in creating a sustainability roadmap for the future.

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to provide an introduction, pathway, and step-by-step guidelines about SDG Reporting for executives, any industry professionals, sustainability practitioners, graduate, and advanced graduate students, or anyone who wants to understand how to achieve sustainable development goals in the business context.

This course is free for our members. Read more about Membership here.

Customer Reviews

An effective course to deepen your understanding of Sustainable Development Goals

July 13, 2021

I found the course to be professional, easy to follow, and simple, to gain knowledge and understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s. It a very easy-to-follow course, both for professionals and aspiring students, and generalists to gain a deeper understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s. This would allow the individuals to Gain knowledge to advance their careers and also to obtain a general understanding of how to better the business outcomes for any organization.

SDGs were formally launched by the UN in 2015. Eight years before the adoption of the SDGs, urbanization globally reached a historic threshold. In 2007, the number of urban dwellers globally exceeded the number of their rural counterparts. The world’s urban population is expected to grow by 3 billion additional people by 2050. This will have immense demand on our existing and new infrastructure, as 60 percent of the area expected to be urban by 2030 has not yet been built.

This will and still has a huge impact on our cities, and the health and wellbeing of the people. It is estimated we would be building cities the size of Paris every week. Therefore, with the vision “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, The SDG commits world leaders to fight poverty and attain sustainable development within the next 15 years. A new set of goals assures not only the urgency of development but the fact that this development must be sustainable equitable and inclusive. The SDGs are a pragmatic way to combine the Global South and Global North into a Sustainable framework for our Cities. The responsibilities lie with each one of us.

Therefore the basic understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s is essential. Therefore, this course is a very effective way to deepen our understanding of the key concepts, philosophy, and the impact of SDG in our daily business, life, and our cities.

Farah Naz FCIBSE, Sustainable City Strategist, Climate Change Advisor, Chair of CIBSE UAE

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